Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What To Mastrabate With

There are some things wanted jaurès spoken, but eventually I will not have time, especially due to the loss of my key was I could not write at night.

Another perspective
It is very important for women here to find a husband. If they reach their thirties without having started a family is often frowned upon. The girl does not become as what woman has no husband. And every girl wants to be a woman here. No matter if the husband is abroad, or whether they should share it with another, at least they have a husband, and only what matters.

Talibés are street children. They do not attend public schools, but other Islamic schools, who has headed a marabout. It nourishes and marabou box, otherwise most would be in the street. They learn to read the Koran in Arabic. And they must beg for some money to bring their contribution in school. They are often seen on street corners, an old man's hand on their shoulder, they approach the car and ask a few francs. We want to help these children, but at the same time it is not given if the money is for them and I heard that these children are often used to enrich the pockets of their marabout. And how they can learn something if they spend their days, not on the benches of the school but street corners to beg ...


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