Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cheat Pokemon Chaos Black In Vba

everyday life in Dakar

Weight Loss
's good, since I'm here I think jai managed to lose the weight I taken in Ecuador. The gym, a girl approached me. - You've lost weight now! What have you taken? Uh-bin its not what I got, I rather cest NOT TAKEN. You know what makes you fat is to eat lots of rice, potatoes and bread. Lunch and tea is too much sugar. And also need exercise, I'll gym 3 times a week Yes yes ok. Often the girls I know have recourse to strange ways to lose weight. At home drink strange lurking in the fridge. - Aida is why that? "It is to lose weight. -Ok and how does it work? -In fact, if you drink it, you'll have diarrhea. Ouff. Another evening, I meet Fama, voice almost extinguished. - What's happening with you? She goes into her room, pulls out a solution to peel pineapples Boulle. -I was told to take it to lose weight. But since I took it yesterday, my voice is like that. I tell them that we must go to the gym and eat well, but often the traditional solutions seem easier ..

My next trip is coming soon, more than 5 days. To cause the least possible weight I asked three other Montreal volunteers to put some of my stuff in their luggage for the return. I bought some gifts for my family tits. Press again I did my backpack at the shoemaker. Fortunately Karim had the kindness to accompany me throughout my scooter to many races. Just before I leave I'll give a map of Quebec to everyone in the family and work as a thank you. I have given 7 to my precious friend Aida with thanks, wishes, advice, funny words and drawings inside. Oh, and finally AC I may come back earlier than expected, perhaps immediately after Morocco, because my old job in the world now seeks Circus. Stay tuned.


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