Monday, March 3, 2008

Are Nicotine Lozenges Bad For My Teeth

Sunnis and Shiites

of Senegal Muslims are Sunnis. Sunnis form the majority branch of Islam. They are about 800 million worldwide. Shiites are a dissident branch somehow. They are approximately 100 million and are particularly present in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon (Hezbollah).

Sunnis and Shiites believe the same thing that is to say the five pillars of Islam. The main point of disagreement concerns the succession of the Prophet Mohammed after his death. The Sunni

say there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. We follow the Holy Quran and Sunnah (traditions that relate the life of the Prophet) that guides us from one century. The Shiites say we fully agree with that, but in addition the Holy Prophet appointed on the orders of God, a successor in the person of Ali, cousin and son of the Prophet, he has designated on the orders of Allah. Ali advocated rigor in the application of the Koran and wanted to establish rules limiting succession to the descendants of the prophet can be caliph. Other important doctrinal differences appeared and finally a separation is created within the majority religion among Muslims and supporters of Ali (Shia means also followers of Ali).

A division of religion, a war ensued over two generations between Sunnis and Shiites. It ended with the defeat of the Shiites in Iraq, where the son of Ali and his successor as caliph, Hussein, will be beaten and killed. From there, it was the final break between Sunnis and Shiites and hatred between the two camps.

Another difference, intermediaries between God and the one who prays. For Sunni, there is no intermediary between God and the believer who is his own priest and there is no religious hierarchy. The Sunni imam can be any believer and is an organizer of the prayer time. For Shiites , the Koran is not comprehensible by everybody and he has a literal form and esoteric form which requires long study and practice. Hence the need of a religious hierarchy headed by supreme Imam is the sole authority to interpret the Koran is infallible and in those interpretations. It has a religious and temporal power very comprehensive and does not compare in any way with the Sunni imams without religious power. The faithful owe allegiance. Finally the Shia holy places outside Mecca, located in Najaf, where is the mausoleum of Imam Ali in Karbala where is his son Hussein. Cities that you hear about regularly in the news from Iraq.


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