Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Naruto Shipuden Fakku

Endpoint on my work

In general, the office provided was complete. The website is online in French and English. As the network wanted, each agency has its own page and there is information about projects, calendar and publications. The module petition is present, but external.

I loved the house but we had to change provider, something that I have deduced a little late. I do not think it would take so long to have a new hosting. You must pay by wire transfer to a bank in France and costs are high. We must move to the bank, request the signatures of persons responsible for the network not always present. Then return the fax confirmation. And most everyone is overloaded, jai'm trying to set an appointment and recall it each day Fatou there are things I need, but it does not advance. Since two weeks we continued delay training on updating the site and I well limpression what will not happen because I have only one day. Jai at least did the best I could, I installed the necessary software on computers and have written 3 documents detailed training to follow Step by Step (How to update the site, post a picture and view the statistics).

In addition to the original mandate jai also performed other tasks that have arisen when the need arose. A leaflet on proFem a project. (However the printer is slow). I spent much time helping and Fatou Aminata to classify their documents and emails that were arranged somewhat haphazardly. I showed them how to effectively organize their files for easy retrieval.

Fatou is well satisfied with my work, recognizes that jai did my best and if there are things not quite finished it not my fault, because they were surchagées. And says she wants me to come back next year!


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