Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Read Ecchiest Comic Online

Incredibly ridiculous

I went to change my ticket at the office of Air France this afternoon. And I learned something pretty incredible.

My plan was to Paris-Dakar. Then take the shuttle between Charles de Gaulle and Orly South. Wait 5 hours and exciting boarding a flight from Paris to Casablanca Jet4U.

But today I learned that from March 8 to 14, (because of the OIC Summit) All Air France flights between Dakar and Paris will visit ... CASABLANCA! Yes. My flight on 12 will stop at night in Casablanca 1 hour to get staff. Why? Is that because of the OIC, all hotels in Dakar are busy, so staff are housed at Casa.

So there I am told that my plane will land at Casa 1 hour to get staff. I could not go down too? That is my final destination Casablanca. I was told that STAFF ONLY can get! Customers are not even supposed to change planes, just wait an hour on the plane. The daughter of Air France understand my confusion, but can not help me. I might be down to Casa, but it's for my bag it's complicated. If I put in the hold with other luggage, it will travel to Paris. Should be put with those of the crew, but with their strict policies that surprised they allow this. Especially since the flight Paris-Casa is not with them but with Jet4U. So

12, I will arrive at Casa at 2am, waiting for 1h. Fly to Paris, change airports. Wait 5 hours. Take a flight from Paris to Casablanca. To revert to 14.30 to a city where I was few hours earlier. Unbelievably ridiculous.

PS Everything works with contacts here. Let me know if you have contacts with Air France


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