Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sympathy Card For Miscarriage

It reminds me of another end ...

For those who do not know, last year I did the same program in Ecuador. Although Africa is quite different from South America, sometimes some things make me think. When I see the boys play football. When I hear the songs in English soap operas.

I often think back to where I was, exactly one year ago. I hear about some people and it makes me sad, tight throat, every time I think. I was so happy over there, so much crazy ... At night I often dreamed I was back in Canada, so sad to be so far from this country I love and especially Jose Luis. Every morning I woke up extraordinarily happy to be there. And the return was terrible, terrible. My heart was so broken, it was indescribable. Ouff just al'écrire I have tears in their eyes.

I liked Africa but, as I knew before I left, it can not hold a candle to Ecuador. I often find myself watching how much is a ticket to Quito. Or with a desire to write to José Luis. I wonder if I did well to come here, maybe I should have to return the bottom He was so happy. I think all my life I will say if I'd be back? .. Extrano tanto mi querido Ecuador, went Deje mi corazon. I think my life will be "haunted" by this passage in Ecuador.


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