Friday, February 29, 2008

Bestway, Airmatress, Plug

everyday life in Dakar

Here among women, no discomfort. It often happened to be in a room and suddenly see a woman naked or undressing. The conversation continues as if nothing had happened. Or a person going to the bathroom, the door opened. The thighs are more eroticized by the breasts. They are often seen because they are used to feed the children, and there are many children here. At the market I saw sometimes vendors, breast out enough evidence, nursing. Balls you see everywhere, cons skirts above knee is quite rare and rather frowned upon (except canned).

And health, okay?
Many believe that coming to Africa also be sick. Before I left, my parents stressful because one of my uncles had told them there was a lot of diseases here. Fact is, I have not been sick. Of course, I do not drink tap water but I still brush me teeth, I floss and tomato salad. I also sleep with the net more to protect me from bugs that x could climb into my bed as mosquitoes, because since my arrival I saw only 5 mosquitoes and halves. The only something I had health side is a cold three weeks ago, along with rocks, because the nights were cold. By the way, amazing statistic for those who do not know, the HIV rate in Senegal is among the lowest in Africa (0.3%) barely exceeding that of Quebec (0.2%)

- I wrote this post Tuesday evening. Well on Wednesday I woke up ... with mega cramps and a slight fever. Tse! After a meeting of the Network, I return to rest in bed, while the temperature rises and rises .. What? 102.4 F!? Holy shit. Really feel it not, my stomach is all time noise. No way of eating fat tchéboudjenne. The only thing in my stash: bananas. In two days I think I ate 7 bananas. Fortunately I have my Cipro. Lots of bananas and rest later, I'm still not in full shape but it gets better.

A desire to move
I still have 13 days here! At first I thought going in Casamance but as the boat is docked in Dakar for an indefinite period and that the flight is quite expensive, I think let it go. There is by road, but it takes 12 hours by taxi 7 seater so uncomfortable it makes me not want too. And anyway, it's not as if it Macchu Picchu Casamance. In short I will focus my energies (especially economic) to the rest of the trip. I look forward to the huge dunes in Morocco. And the beautiful park los Picos de Europa in Spain. And to hear English all around me. And get away from my street polluted Derklé dining tchéboudjenne. By cons I will miss my big sister Aida.


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