Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Installer Olivetti Prt 100


My USB drive does not operate, so I did not much news these days. I write my blog the night before bed, with no key it is useless to write since I can transfer my files later. Quick summary of recent days. Because
  • a huge misunderstanding which is beyond me at 200 miles an hour, Elhadj refuses to speak to me. Too bad. Last week I met with Lebanese sympathetic - with beautiful faces. I was surprised to encounter Muslims who drink ... There is one, Mohammed, who even studied 8 years in Montreal. It feels strange to hear him say "char" instead of car .. hehe
  • It rained yesterday! It rained pretty hard yesterday, late at night. We even met some cars stopped on the roadside, 4 flashers on. This is the first time since I arrived (3 months) it's raining. Momo said he does not remember the last time he saw rain during a dry season.
  • A false homosexual marriage has raised many discussions and debates. The majority of people are outraged by this provocative action which violates the law and religion. Some (including me) would prefer to be left alone
    (I will make a detailed article later)
  • I have quite a job to the Network. Translation descriptions of member organizations and projects. Breaking head to run the module petition. Installation of new equipment and programs received the 3 new machines. Lots of small requests left and right, from logos and brochures. In short, the job is not lacking.
  • I still have one month in Senegal. I intended slab Casamance. But the economic course, the boat is tacked to port for several weeks. By the way I heard it was more or less. And theft amount to $ 250. So I know too .. Especially since I go alone it said more or less ... at least this weekend is expected to go to Sine Saloum, I hope it will work.


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