Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ragnarok Online Emblems Pokemon


I am very productive these days. In little over a week I designed two brochures.

First, a brochure for a vocational school sewing, located Guédiawaye, a suburb of Dakar. The school helps ensure a future for young girls to middle helpless by giving them sewing lessons, management, English and French. They also take part in awareness sessions and discussion on important issues affecting them (HIV / AIDS, family planning, etc.). I enjoyed their reaction when I introduced them, they could not believe that the result looks so professional. You know, it's been almost 5 years I worked as a designer, I know what I do! In Canada it's very expensive something like that!

Then for the Network in two days I've redesigned in 10 times better than this printer was designed 2 months. (I know, the coverage is not super sharp, but this was what Fatou, my version with yellow square that has been denied because Blue and Yellow, it seems that these are the colors of the ruling party). The Practical Guide for the conduct of a good session of this Dialogue how to organize and hold a dialogue session in the project proFem on family planning. Fatou thought I was just sites, and was very surprised that I do well enough so fast.


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