Monday, February 25, 2008

Stopping A Weave From Tangling

everyday life in Dakar

Interview Manooré
Last Thursday from 21h to 22h Roch Kalilou Olivier and I had an interview Manooré 89.4 FM (Community Radio). I had a p stressed, hating me as public speaking. It takes place in front of microphones with the interviewer and Mam Djara (a journalist radio). We talk of our mandates, our integration. Things we learned, what we scored, both positively and negatively. From my side, it runs amazingly better than I thought, we seem to have a discussion just between us since ' can not see the faces of our interlocutors. The 60 minutes passed quickly and in no way we even agreed to come back a second time before our departure.

Shea Butter
Shea Butter or vegetable butter is an edible substance extracted from the fruit of the shea tree, a tree growing in the savannas of Africa. It has many virtues. Helped me in particular said he was very good for hair. By applying the leather che hairy, she claims it helps the hair to grow faster. I did a quick search and I read it helped dry hair to grow. I also came across several product brands say shea butter, is quite expensive. As well as pay dearly power R products containing a small percentage of the substance, also apply the original bin, right? Only drawback, the original shea butter smells passable. I still tried to give it a shot, in applying the evening, keeping it all day, his head wrapped in a scarf. And actually when I wash my hair the next they are really ultra hydrated and not at all brittle. I'll bring a pot in Quebec.

No, ... it is so difficult to understand?

The boys here do not take "no" r esponse
. They say patients, but in reality they are rather unpleasantly insistent. First the boring Lindor still does not understand why I did not expect it with me leaving the gym. - If it is because you think I have a girlfriend I do not cro is-me . Yet I told him quite directly that he understands. I found it boring, it brought me nothing in my life and I do not even want not as a friend. I do not see how it could be clearer. I do not understand why he has such confidence in him like that, as if he was inconceivable to him that I am not interested. Lindor addition, there is the brother of Vivian who has been on my case. One evening while fetching Vivian to leave, he saw me 5 minutes, or I was tired of waiting, impatient and not at all friendly at the moment. Yet the next day at Fatou, I get a message of love super cheesy, like the sun, stars, your eyes .. bla bla . - Fatou I am what I am not at all, but not at all interested. - Answer Thank you, I have everything I need . He replied, shocked saying that I act like a teenager and he must accept his love. - Ahh another who understands nothing, but why are they all like that, they never accept no for an answer. - You know the guys are like that here. To them you're a chicken in the henhouse. And presto, they'll choose in the heap. And they make you the honor you choose from the other. So for them it is impossible that you refuse the honor. And if you dare to refuse, you really are stupid and you do not think. - Tssss I'm not a chicken, myself. I'm an ostrich. I run faster and faster.


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