Monday, February 25, 2008

Skateboard Park Cake How To

Far from being the village ...

Dakar is very far from one day or host a gay village. Indeed, having homosexual relations are illegal here. Section 319 of the Criminal Code of Senegal states that "... shall be punished by imprisonment of one to five years who commits an indecent act or act against nature with an individual of her sex. If the act was committed with a minor aged 21 or less, the maximum penalty will always be ... and a fine of 100 000 to 1.5 million CFA francs ... " http://www. / files / article.CFM? = 248 & article_id = 54 var_doss First is the religion (Islam) who opposes the so-called perversion.

Earlier this month, a new headlines. Two gorjigéen (transvestites) have simulated a marriage. Both men were immediately arrested. The next day they are released, by blackmailing because they threatened to reveal the identity of other homosexuals, he held the upper echelons of power. Several discussions have launched summers. Some thought they should have stayed in prison. Deny this perversity brought by the modern world is an insult to religion and values. That this blackmail was a lie. Others thought he should leave them alone, accept that Senegal is modernized by accepting this reality.

In newspapers are even starting to withdraw public funds that fund prevention programs against AIDS whose main clientele is gay. Days pass. New title on the papers: There will be a march against homosexuality. I could not believe my eyes! We do that in Quebec a march FOR (acceptance of) homosexuality. I thought about my friends who are very unhappy gays here, oppressed, to hide and be wary all the time. Ouff. Luckily (for me) or unlucky (for some), the march did not take place officially. At the last moment, the authorities decided to ban it. Some people are still displaced to protest, even if the law proscribed from doing so.

Attitudes are very conservative, regardless of religion. I talk a little about around me, and all the world tells me the same thing. This is not normal, it's a disease. The results acquired from trauma or a youth diversion during education. A curable disease. A choice that people make. I ask people if they know someone gay. They meet me hesitating, well yes, I crossed a street, or I saw one on TV. Ben is unaware that someone! You have no idea what he lives. I have gays friends in Quebec, with whom I spent a lot of time. Homosexuality is not a choice. This is already difficult for them to accept who they are. In addition they face the reactions of their families, their fellow workers. It must be difficult to accept and I'm sure there are many who have said that sooner or later if there was a magic drink they can become heterosexual, they would take it because life would be much more simple. But that does not exist because that is what they are and they can not change anything. They can not change that because homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, present in many animals since time immemorial. Did you know that homosexuality was observed in more than 450 species, from the bear and the dolphin gull Monarch butterfly?, 66245.htm


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