Friday, February 15, 2008

Is Shaving Bad For Herpes


is the main reason why young people leave the country, good jobs are scarce. Difficult to know the exact rate of unemployment because many small retailers are working without a license. An estimated 40% of unemployed in Dakar, it close to 90% in some regions.

Some do not believe anymore in education, what is to investigate whether it was 10 to 20% chance of finding employment. Those who have the courage to study face harsh conditions. The free public school offers classes overloaded or, even if we manage to advance, there is no seating. The wealthiest and brightest will study abroad ... often never to return. With the brain drain, difficult to change the country if the only educated, with a vision and ideas will be sold abroad for a higher salary.

Those who stay here often open small shops: shop, dressmaker, hairdresser. Many choose this path and the competition is fierce. So difficult to raise prices, otherwise the customer will look elsewhere. So charging the lowest prices, these small traders, after paying their local products and their employees, they are left with almost nothing in their pockets. The immigration of people from poorer countries (Niger, Mali, Guinea ..) to Senegal is not helping things. All try to have a much smaller share in this country a little more developed. Several

staple foods come from foreign countries. The bottled milk from France, the United States evaporated. Canned Tunisia. Fruits and vegetables from countries nearby. Failure to receive a drop of rain for months will certainly hamper agriculture. Senegal is a major consumer of rice, imported from Asian countries. Often raw materials from here (ex: chocolate) are processed abroad to be re-imported into the country at prices rather high.

Domestic companies are happily growing their share of the market. Kirene and Fontaine Business Senegalese produce more than 90% of local consumption of bottled water. The transformation of groundnut, the main source of income for farmers, is here: peanut oil and peanut butter too. Local resources consumed here are often used without thinking about the sustainability of these. In Casamance, women collect oysters growing on the roots of trees are only accessible at low tide. They do not hesitate to cut squarely roots to reap the maximum quickly. The mangrove wood used for smoking fish is cut, causing beach erosion. Fishing is a good source of income, but many boats and catches are declining day by day. A fisherman said that what is caught in a day a few years ago, now have the same amount it takes him five days. The boats then move north to Mauritania with the hope of increasing their catch. It is a particularly fishmonger in this region, which fortunately is regulated and monitored to protect it.


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