Friday, February 29, 2008

Bestway, Airmatress, Plug

everyday life in Dakar

Here among women, no discomfort. It often happened to be in a room and suddenly see a woman naked or undressing. The conversation continues as if nothing had happened. Or a person going to the bathroom, the door opened. The thighs are more eroticized by the breasts. They are often seen because they are used to feed the children, and there are many children here. At the market I saw sometimes vendors, breast out enough evidence, nursing. Balls you see everywhere, cons skirts above knee is quite rare and rather frowned upon (except canned).

And health, okay?
Many believe that coming to Africa also be sick. Before I left, my parents stressful because one of my uncles had told them there was a lot of diseases here. Fact is, I have not been sick. Of course, I do not drink tap water but I still brush me teeth, I floss and tomato salad. I also sleep with the net more to protect me from bugs that x could climb into my bed as mosquitoes, because since my arrival I saw only 5 mosquitoes and halves. The only something I had health side is a cold three weeks ago, along with rocks, because the nights were cold. By the way, amazing statistic for those who do not know, the HIV rate in Senegal is among the lowest in Africa (0.3%) barely exceeding that of Quebec (0.2%)

- I wrote this post Tuesday evening. Well on Wednesday I woke up ... with mega cramps and a slight fever. Tse! After a meeting of the Network, I return to rest in bed, while the temperature rises and rises .. What? 102.4 F!? Holy shit. Really feel it not, my stomach is all time noise. No way of eating fat tchéboudjenne. The only thing in my stash: bananas. In two days I think I ate 7 bananas. Fortunately I have my Cipro. Lots of bananas and rest later, I'm still not in full shape but it gets better.

A desire to move
I still have 13 days here! At first I thought going in Casamance but as the boat is docked in Dakar for an indefinite period and that the flight is quite expensive, I think let it go. There is by road, but it takes 12 hours by taxi 7 seater so uncomfortable it makes me not want too. And anyway, it's not as if it Macchu Picchu Casamance. In short I will focus my energies (especially economic) to the rest of the trip. I look forward to the huge dunes in Morocco. And the beautiful park los Picos de Europa in Spain. And to hear English all around me. And get away from my street polluted Derklé dining tchéboudjenne. By cons I will miss my big sister Aida.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ragnarok Online Emblems Pokemon


I am very productive these days. In little over a week I designed two brochures.

First, a brochure for a vocational school sewing, located Guédiawaye, a suburb of Dakar. The school helps ensure a future for young girls to middle helpless by giving them sewing lessons, management, English and French. They also take part in awareness sessions and discussion on important issues affecting them (HIV / AIDS, family planning, etc.). I enjoyed their reaction when I introduced them, they could not believe that the result looks so professional. You know, it's been almost 5 years I worked as a designer, I know what I do! In Canada it's very expensive something like that!

Then for the Network in two days I've redesigned in 10 times better than this printer was designed 2 months. (I know, the coverage is not super sharp, but this was what Fatou, my version with yellow square that has been denied because Blue and Yellow, it seems that these are the colors of the ruling party). The Practical Guide for the conduct of a good session of this Dialogue how to organize and hold a dialogue session in the project proFem on family planning. Fatou thought I was just sites, and was very surprised that I do well enough so fast.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Skateboard Park Cake How To

Far from being the village ...

Dakar is very far from one day or host a gay village. Indeed, having homosexual relations are illegal here. Section 319 of the Criminal Code of Senegal states that "... shall be punished by imprisonment of one to five years who commits an indecent act or act against nature with an individual of her sex. If the act was committed with a minor aged 21 or less, the maximum penalty will always be ... and a fine of 100 000 to 1.5 million CFA francs ... " http://www. / files / article.CFM? = 248 & article_id = 54 var_doss First is the religion (Islam) who opposes the so-called perversion.

Earlier this month, a new headlines. Two gorjigéen (transvestites) have simulated a marriage. Both men were immediately arrested. The next day they are released, by blackmailing because they threatened to reveal the identity of other homosexuals, he held the upper echelons of power. Several discussions have launched summers. Some thought they should have stayed in prison. Deny this perversity brought by the modern world is an insult to religion and values. That this blackmail was a lie. Others thought he should leave them alone, accept that Senegal is modernized by accepting this reality.

In newspapers are even starting to withdraw public funds that fund prevention programs against AIDS whose main clientele is gay. Days pass. New title on the papers: There will be a march against homosexuality. I could not believe my eyes! We do that in Quebec a march FOR (acceptance of) homosexuality. I thought about my friends who are very unhappy gays here, oppressed, to hide and be wary all the time. Ouff. Luckily (for me) or unlucky (for some), the march did not take place officially. At the last moment, the authorities decided to ban it. Some people are still displaced to protest, even if the law proscribed from doing so.

Attitudes are very conservative, regardless of religion. I talk a little about around me, and all the world tells me the same thing. This is not normal, it's a disease. The results acquired from trauma or a youth diversion during education. A curable disease. A choice that people make. I ask people if they know someone gay. They meet me hesitating, well yes, I crossed a street, or I saw one on TV. Ben is unaware that someone! You have no idea what he lives. I have gays friends in Quebec, with whom I spent a lot of time. Homosexuality is not a choice. This is already difficult for them to accept who they are. In addition they face the reactions of their families, their fellow workers. It must be difficult to accept and I'm sure there are many who have said that sooner or later if there was a magic drink they can become heterosexual, they would take it because life would be much more simple. But that does not exist because that is what they are and they can not change anything. They can not change that because homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, present in many animals since time immemorial. Did you know that homosexuality was observed in more than 450 species, from the bear and the dolphin gull Monarch butterfly?, 66245.htm

Stopping A Weave From Tangling

everyday life in Dakar

Interview Manooré
Last Thursday from 21h to 22h Roch Kalilou Olivier and I had an interview Manooré 89.4 FM (Community Radio). I had a p stressed, hating me as public speaking. It takes place in front of microphones with the interviewer and Mam Djara (a journalist radio). We talk of our mandates, our integration. Things we learned, what we scored, both positively and negatively. From my side, it runs amazingly better than I thought, we seem to have a discussion just between us since ' can not see the faces of our interlocutors. The 60 minutes passed quickly and in no way we even agreed to come back a second time before our departure.

Shea Butter
Shea Butter or vegetable butter is an edible substance extracted from the fruit of the shea tree, a tree growing in the savannas of Africa. It has many virtues. Helped me in particular said he was very good for hair. By applying the leather che hairy, she claims it helps the hair to grow faster. I did a quick search and I read it helped dry hair to grow. I also came across several product brands say shea butter, is quite expensive. As well as pay dearly power R products containing a small percentage of the substance, also apply the original bin, right? Only drawback, the original shea butter smells passable. I still tried to give it a shot, in applying the evening, keeping it all day, his head wrapped in a scarf. And actually when I wash my hair the next they are really ultra hydrated and not at all brittle. I'll bring a pot in Quebec.

No, ... it is so difficult to understand?

The boys here do not take "no" r esponse
. They say patients, but in reality they are rather unpleasantly insistent. First the boring Lindor still does not understand why I did not expect it with me leaving the gym. - If it is because you think I have a girlfriend I do not cro is-me . Yet I told him quite directly that he understands. I found it boring, it brought me nothing in my life and I do not even want not as a friend. I do not see how it could be clearer. I do not understand why he has such confidence in him like that, as if he was inconceivable to him that I am not interested. Lindor addition, there is the brother of Vivian who has been on my case. One evening while fetching Vivian to leave, he saw me 5 minutes, or I was tired of waiting, impatient and not at all friendly at the moment. Yet the next day at Fatou, I get a message of love super cheesy, like the sun, stars, your eyes .. bla bla . - Fatou I am what I am not at all, but not at all interested. - Answer Thank you, I have everything I need . He replied, shocked saying that I act like a teenager and he must accept his love. - Ahh another who understands nothing, but why are they all like that, they never accept no for an answer. - You know the guys are like that here. To them you're a chicken in the henhouse. And presto, they'll choose in the heap. And they make you the honor you choose from the other. So for them it is impossible that you refuse the honor. And if you dare to refuse, you really are stupid and you do not think. - Tssss I'm not a chicken, myself. I'm an ostrich. I run faster and faster.

Sim Tower Vista Too Fast


When you go into a room we should salute all those therein. We must not only say hello, how are you, but it is also okay to ask if we pass a good day and news of the family. - Hello, are you? - Hello, yes, okay, and you okay? - Oh, okay. And family, okay? - Yes it will. - And the day? - Yes it will. - And it'll work? - You Bet , alright . Usually we give the handshake between men and women. However there are some girls, like Aida, which does not give a hand to a man who is not his family. It can also give kisses when you greet the family or at a party, at Christmas in Roch was a bit mixed, some gave 1, others 2, others 3. (We Quebecers, it gives 2). I learn later that among the Lebanese is 3.

When I walk down the street, I often get me to say hello , just like that for no reason. Often by small curious children or young men trying to flirt. I prefer to say Hello to make me say Toubab! In smaller cities (such Joal), people, often children, are content to say Toubab. Toddlers say it aloud, often pointing at me from afar, like a game like ah ah! I saw you! We also hear adults whispering in our way, blah blah blah toubab , blah blah.

One thing that surprised me at first: how we call someone who offers a service, such as a server or driver taxi. It drops a Pssssst strong enough and not at all subtle. Call someone in this way in Quebec is unthinkable. It would be stupid enough to respond and even ask for that one begins to do so ...

Friday, February 22, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Mucus In Throat In Newborn


Many skip breakfast here (a question of saving money). The morning usually is bread with butter and instant coffee. Personally I also add a banana (because i have the chance to pay me fruit). I learned early stay the breakfast buffet was not included in what the network paid for my family. Fatou me therefore paid for milk and cereal so that can lunch at work. Fatou thank you.

Lunch is around 14h and is often the same, ie the tchéboudienne , rice and fish. Whole fish n nt in large dish, or take small pieces with your fingers. Often I try sit on the side or there is the carrot for a few vegetables and because it is not cool to dip into things not being within its area of u flat. After carrot tit, tit little one, and some fish. I eat slowly because there are often sharp. And lots of rice. Even a little from the bottom of the pot a bit more dry and crunchy, I like. There are two other dishes that are often served at lunch and I do not like too ... Something peanut sauce and another sauce okra sauce (sticky). In fai t, when I realize that's the breakfast I'll hau t get me white rice and I eat it only as a meal. Or maybe I'm opening a candy cane mixed vegetables in my precious reserve.

Dinner is taken to 21h and is more varied. Tuna meatballs. Beans and sheep. Mutton and potatoes in sauce. Spaghetti with lamb and potatoes. We eat a lot of sheep here. Intestines, head, liver, heart , we eat at all ("we" here excludes the speaker: P). Must be careful because often ago tit bits of bone in the sauce. We often eat fish that are present in the head and tail in the dish. The chicken is very rare, but when eaten, also found the neck of the chicken in the dish (which I'm a kid, I find nothing to eat). Dinner is almost always served with bread. Sometimes a little wet lettuce, beans, tomatoes and cucumber slices in the center while absent join. French fries are also sometimes served cold, which I accompany with a ketchup container is in the oven. We use the oven for more than pantry oven itself. My favorite meal is consisting of pulses and very similar to chili. I say clearly Yum Yum hard to demonstrate that love in the vain hope they do more often. During the meal I'm the only one who drinks, taking a few sips of water in my canteen; people here still drink after dinner and never during.

It eats t ery rarely Desser t, and it always consists of fruit. The latter is expensive (especially for a large family), that if we buy in season. When I arrived we ate xal (watermelon) almost every night. Often at night I'll take a look at the office and I made a mint milk. Too good. Really I'll bring 50 bags in Canada.

Other than that the food at the restaurants there also. The very popular and many dibiteries offering grilled lamb with mustard and onions. Aida loves me I find it rather bold. I often go to a fast food restaurant, buy a hamburger. Coarse bread. Small ball. Fried egg. Gruyere cheese. Dijon Mustard (- no, I want no mustard please ). Tomato slices (- I want to do th up, you can put 3, 4?). fries in the burger (- you can put the chips in hand - no it's impossible ). Restaurants where one sits to eat u are separated by a sheet or wall, protected from the street and bystanders. Issues that clients are at the shelter a kid nt Pollution cars, but mostly they have peace when they eat, to pay for a meal at the restaurant while others are starving, saying it can do jealous. Roch and when I went to a restaurant in Joal, a semi-open sheet separating our table from the view of the street. At the end of the meal, a child will throw a glance and sees us. - Toubab! Give me the duck! By pointing my empty Fanta. - Ben am! I say laughing knowing that it is empty. His two friends rushed to the interior of the restaurant and take the cold remains of my plate full speed. They really seem to be hungry. I feel bad, I must do something. I leave my bag and I kept 3 apples as snacks for the weekend. They look at me eyes wide and each told me a big - Thank . I feel a little better but I wish I could do more.

Play Rosetta Stone Rcd Files

Sine-Saloum Senegal Joal

The day after visiting Fadiout is part 3 to the Sine Saloum, since Julie will remain at the inn because she is sick. We jump in a taxi "7 seater" ... on which it was 10! Plus a baby ... and a passenger on the roof! So 11! After a trip to beautiful scenery, crossing bush with baobab trees and coconut trees and small villages, you arrive at Ndangane. My book recommended a tour of the islands, they found a boatman and then we negotiated all at a rate that remained fairly expensive. We boarded the big sun on a boat that took us first to the island of Mar Lodge.

March Lodj is a small quiet island of Sine Saloum. We quickly found that the visit would be special: the local guide of the island, Picasso, is soul. It begins by showing us his shop, how he painted the pictures in sand and where do the different colored sands, the white beach, red bark, dark wood burned. It goes through the village on the island or Christians and Muslims together vivrent. It not only crosses of sheep tits, but for the first time tit pigs (Muslims do not eat pork). We see a Black Madonna in the church. A baobab tree and having a cheese related forever. It is very hot and the pace seems relaxed, small children everywhere, everyone gathered in the square to discuss, no cars, hardly any pollution. We return to the dugout and we regretted not having our shirts and we spun around the forest of baobab trees.

Our large boat slips through the mangrove Sections the marsh (it makes me think of the river miles or islands Djoud). We then walk down under the big sun around I do not know what. The guide gives us virtually no explanation, a bit disappointing really. We discover for ourselves. Ah, is a nest! Ah, a field of peanuts! The young boatman for 13 years still manages to point us to borrow a hyena. There were 3 things included in the tour. - We should not go to island birds ? - Yes look that is the island birds . We pass in front of a speed similar to other island. - But there there are no birds, it should come in the morning . Grrr we sold around knowing full well that there spotted it there. Cursed crossers. A guide

funny, but soul, and no explanation is that fewer birds overview of our hotel in Joal. We thought for Ben to fend for themselves, but frankly we would go to a hotel and take what could be better organized.

The next day we spent all Monday morning to relax in the hammocks of thiouraye. Finally we returned to Dakar by taking 2 cars ... one of which pierced the floor let me glimpse the road! A little more and they advanced with our feet like the Flintstones ...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Autodesk Sketchbook Express Or Corel Sketchpad


Joal is a town in the Petite Côte, located 110 km south of Dakar. After more than 3 hours away in an old taxi 7 seater crumbling, Roch and I join our friends we should go Ariane and Julie (another trainee Quebec) in thiouraye, beautiful hostel in Joal. It was thought only to sleep the first night, but finally we stayed 3 nights, we loved too. Flowers, hammocks, and especially, especially the view. From the terrace we could see herons, pelicans, egrets, kingfishers, cormorants. Tides rise and fall. The quietness of the morning fog. During the day when hot weather, a slight breeze, hammocks to lie in semi shade. A friendly host, reasonably priced, in short we all loved it.

Saturday we walked to the shore leading to the Isle of Fadiout. It was decided to encourage local official guides, 2500 cfa per person for the ride. The guide was really qualified and provided a ton of explanation. We explained that the money raised was used to pay not only guides but also to reforest around the island (the wood being cut by the villagers) and restore the barns (to preserve the heritage and therefore ensure the continuity of tourism). After passing the crop (or livestock?) Of oysters were landed at the place or were the granaries on stilts for millet. They are no longer used today, but once they were used to keep grain away from the flames. We finally joined Fadiout Island, completely covered with beige and white seashells ...

... And many white crosses. Indeed, the Isle of Fadiout is so pretty, you almost forget it's a cemetery. One of the few cemeteries or Muslims and Christians are buried side by side. We learn that Muslims are buried in a shroud, facing Mecca. For Christians, the white cross is oriented along the line of the family of the mother (there are 9 major lineages).

Harmony between religions
admirable, Senegal is a secular country where Christians and Muslims respect each other and even see each other. There are certainly some areas inhabited by more than one or the other but they usually coexist in the same neighborhoods or villages. Christian religious holidays (eg Christmas) such as Moslems (eg Tabaski) are holidays. When Tabaski, Muslims give a bit of mutton to Christians at Christmas and it's time for them to share their meat. Ariane told me about a show she avu in Kaolack, featuring religious music, both Christian and Muslim. In the holidays, and life in general, Christians and Muslims coexist easily.

photos here:

Friday, February 15, 2008

How To Get Past Web Filtering

Last online version EN

I've just uploaded the FR version of the site. The EN version will be available within two weeks. After discussion it drops the Wolof version. Wolof is a language spoken but rarely written, those who know how to write first learn to write French and later, sometimes Oulof.

order that the site is visible everywhere (it seems we see it in Canada, can you tell?), We will change provider. We will also buy one. Org instead of. sn

Is Shaving Bad For Herpes


is the main reason why young people leave the country, good jobs are scarce. Difficult to know the exact rate of unemployment because many small retailers are working without a license. An estimated 40% of unemployed in Dakar, it close to 90% in some regions.

Some do not believe anymore in education, what is to investigate whether it was 10 to 20% chance of finding employment. Those who have the courage to study face harsh conditions. The free public school offers classes overloaded or, even if we manage to advance, there is no seating. The wealthiest and brightest will study abroad ... often never to return. With the brain drain, difficult to change the country if the only educated, with a vision and ideas will be sold abroad for a higher salary.

Those who stay here often open small shops: shop, dressmaker, hairdresser. Many choose this path and the competition is fierce. So difficult to raise prices, otherwise the customer will look elsewhere. So charging the lowest prices, these small traders, after paying their local products and their employees, they are left with almost nothing in their pockets. The immigration of people from poorer countries (Niger, Mali, Guinea ..) to Senegal is not helping things. All try to have a much smaller share in this country a little more developed. Several

staple foods come from foreign countries. The bottled milk from France, the United States evaporated. Canned Tunisia. Fruits and vegetables from countries nearby. Failure to receive a drop of rain for months will certainly hamper agriculture. Senegal is a major consumer of rice, imported from Asian countries. Often raw materials from here (ex: chocolate) are processed abroad to be re-imported into the country at prices rather high.

Domestic companies are happily growing their share of the market. Kirene and Fontaine Business Senegalese produce more than 90% of local consumption of bottled water. The transformation of groundnut, the main source of income for farmers, is here: peanut oil and peanut butter too. Local resources consumed here are often used without thinking about the sustainability of these. In Casamance, women collect oysters growing on the roots of trees are only accessible at low tide. They do not hesitate to cut squarely roots to reap the maximum quickly. The mangrove wood used for smoking fish is cut, causing beach erosion. Fishing is a good source of income, but many boats and catches are declining day by day. A fisherman said that what is caught in a day a few years ago, now have the same amount it takes him five days. The boats then move north to Mauritania with the hope of increasing their catch. It is a particularly fishmonger in this region, which fortunately is regulated and monitored to protect it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How Do I Get Pokemon Gold For My Vba

Television Music

In Quebec, I never spend the evening watching TV. Here my evenings are less busy so I look at from time to time is a good way to learn about the culture and reality. People watch it a lot here. We often come into my room, I am asked incredulously why TV is not on while I write. The person then turns and walks away.

There are several television series imported from elsewhere, translated into French. U.S.: Prison Break, My Wife and Kids . Some Latin American soap operas, including one from Mexico that I listen a little, entitled The stepmother . Or police dramas of France. TV5 World displays programs stuffed French expressions left me perplexed.

The national chains have soap operas, newscasts and talk show often in Wolof, sometimes in French. And most of the time, half French, half Wolof. The facilitator asks his question in French, the person begins his sentence in French ... then ends in Wolof! And pouf, interviewing switch in Wolof, a word of French from time to time, just give me a false hope to understand. I would not imagine such a situation in Quebec, imagine an interview beginning in French ending in English! It would rise fast enough! (The opposite is inconceivable, I doubt that deviates English to French, enh!)

Often, most of the time when music videos, often mbalax, sometimes zouk, hip hop, a bar scrolls continuously with different advertisements stuffed fotes dortografe. "APREN the Koran in a rapideumen me! Apel o 77 .... "I wind wheelbarrows. O contakt me 77 ... "

thing very well with the web, I can remotely monitor, at least when my connection allows it, the new issue Marc Labreche of god "3600 seconds of ecstasy". I was too crampée at the first skit, the Circle, with the show stopping suddenly to let the lady praying, my reality ... it was too

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What Doe That White Dot Mean On Facebook Im


These songs tend to get stuck in your head ..

Bal bi, ak Ameno Xuman of Hip Hop
Senegalese Wolof

Amani Bamako, Phillip Monteiro
Zouk originally Youssou Ndour but taken over by a Cape Verdean.

Grown and sexy, Chamilionnaire
Roch What is often at work. At first I found it a bit vulgar (u Look Better from Behind hmm) but I've heard so much it became a running gag.

Installer Olivetti Prt 100


My USB drive does not operate, so I did not much news these days. I write my blog the night before bed, with no key it is useless to write since I can transfer my files later. Quick summary of recent days. Because
  • a huge misunderstanding which is beyond me at 200 miles an hour, Elhadj refuses to speak to me. Too bad. Last week I met with Lebanese sympathetic - with beautiful faces. I was surprised to encounter Muslims who drink ... There is one, Mohammed, who even studied 8 years in Montreal. It feels strange to hear him say "char" instead of car .. hehe
  • It rained yesterday! It rained pretty hard yesterday, late at night. We even met some cars stopped on the roadside, 4 flashers on. This is the first time since I arrived (3 months) it's raining. Momo said he does not remember the last time he saw rain during a dry season.
  • A false homosexual marriage has raised many discussions and debates. The majority of people are outraged by this provocative action which violates the law and religion. Some (including me) would prefer to be left alone
    (I will make a detailed article later)
  • I have quite a job to the Network. Translation descriptions of member organizations and projects. Breaking head to run the module petition. Installation of new equipment and programs received the 3 new machines. Lots of small requests left and right, from logos and brochures. In short, the job is not lacking.
  • I still have one month in Senegal. I intended slab Casamance. But the economic course, the boat is tacked to port for several weeks. By the way I heard it was more or less. And theft amount to $ 250. So I know too .. Especially since I go alone it said more or less ... at least this weekend is expected to go to Sine Saloum, I hope it will work.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Canadian Snowboard Gear Outlet

Mardi Gras

Custom is that during Mardi Gras (the Christians) boys dress up as girls and girls as boys. I heard it was mostly children who were celebrating by dressing well in school. However Roch invited me to a party, or those in costume enter for half price. Having no other clothes than girl chix P I'll join my friend's place or takes place that evening. They sell alcohol as most people have are Christian. I meet many guys with little skirts, wigs and padded tops. Some girls are dressed in boubou or t-shirt and cap. I notice a guy with a werewolf mask and another Bébitte indefinable. Basically, I see a group of toubabs, camera in hand. We dance a little, then everyone settles for the parade will take place.

Ten "girls" a bit broad shoulders and long legs are shown by a thin man dressed all in yellow with an umbrella (?) Of the same color. They marched one after another in swaying with attitude. They make moves that make you laugh and applaud the crowd. A long-haired, with white top and black skirt running. - It a guy that?, launches Roch. It could actually be mistaken for a real girl. Then another dressed in orange spandex comes from the front, then turns: it has the ultra-padded back! Everyone giggles. It selects the best and the real show begins. Both girls are face to face confrontation and begin to dance, they sway their hips, will dance with spectators and really give a show. Everyone laughed and applauded. Titus evening of fun:)