Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hematocrit Levels High

Silence vaccinate!

A new documentary on vaccines implicated in some cases of autism. I'm not saying they're right. But it is interesting to know the opinions of everyone. I know that in the case of Joel, it's nothing to see as backward in time, I am reminded of oddities dating from birth. The vaccines were not coincident with his state. But I can admit that for some cases, possible. The concentration of certain chemicals found in vaccines (including mercury) may have caused neurological problems and created conditions of autism.

My two children have received all the basic vaccines and I n have never noticed any change in their health during or after vaccination. Now, that does not mean that I have total confidence in this system. I know that pharmaceuticals are not as white as snow ... Maybe I'm not trying to cause any price because I know that Joel is out this controversy, but for some parents and for the future, we should be sure that vaccines are dangerous.


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