Monday, April 26, 2010

Brown Mucus Two Weeks

Bon Voyage Boo!

it's been awhile since I did not come here to write ... Facebook grabbed me and leaves me to go somewhere else ...

I thought about writing here because I wanted to pay tribute to Boo , who sadly died in the early evening: (She finally got the call she was waiting for the pager rang ... she said, and heart, to replace his own, sick, had finally arrived. She said she was scared to death ... I do not think it would materialize so ... the transplant went wrong and it s is soaring ...

I congratulate you for your determination and I am very sad you left ... (

All my sympathies to the family and friends, and to the entire community scropines who lose a friend for some virtual, a true friend to others who have had this chance and a great artistic talent ... Now Boo has all the time ♥


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