Monday, June 22, 2009

How To Know That Period Is Over

Lucky Drops Skin House Project # 7 / 2005 / Yasuhiro Yamashita & Tekuco
Probably the most famous achievement Yasuhiro & Tekuco. In a small width, the prowess of this strip of material draped opalescent propels Architect Internationnale on stage. Although, unfortunately, we did not imagine such an adventure in France, controlled aesthetic straitjacket ... Everyone, excluding Japan, will find nevertheless that the narrow width of the house is terrible, oppressive. Should we ask a small home against a large in others? I personally sign tomorrow what style''small home''... I provide the direct link to the list of projects below
, this house is located in the top third of the list (mix Japanese / English). Enjoy!

06/29/2009 Web Report / Permanent link:


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